Top 10k strings from Alfa Soft - Baby, I Don't Care (1989)(Alfa Soft).z80
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1 o good. I just love house music! Did you know that their vocalist is half Norwegian???? 1 I'm back, The One And Only ALFA SOFT, with a new brill, fab, marvellous, fantastic, mega cool, jolly good and....ooops I've run out of superlatives....demo. This time I've sampled and mixed "Baby, I Don't Care" by Transvision Vamp. Ohhh, it's s 1 FRODE TENNEBO 1 FGFGFGFGFGFGFGFGFGFGFGFGFGFGFGFGEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDEDED 1 ? You ought to shorten the record/replay wait-loop from 307 T-states to app. 151. You'll get a much better sound reproduction. To SSC: Your brains are: 1 6700 MAALOY 1 .Frode (which means wise, clever). You may have noticed that I live in Norway, more precisely at the western part of Western Norway (look it up in an atlas, at 62 00N 05 00E (app.)). At the moment I've got 3 computers in my house, a C*mm*do*e 64 (crap 1 .(stop peeking non-Norwegian readers, you don't understand a thing (except this, that is)!!!!) 1 .(P.S.: Tall staar i paranteser): 1 !). I've ordered a +3 from England, which I hope I'll get soon. 128K of sampling space, WHOOOOW 1 !), a Thor (QL) and of course my dear old Speccy (which is the best computer in the whole world 1 !), Frank T.N. and Jakub J. 1 ! Just to make you laugh, I'l tell you my name 1 ! I've talked long enough about myself,here comes 1 ! Aarsaken til at jeg har valgt aa si noen ord paa norsk er at jeg driver den eneste Spectrum-klubben i Norge, Norwegian All-Sinclair Association. Jeg proever derfor paa denne ganske originale maaten aa faa DEG som medlem. Det koster kun kr. 175,- for 12 maaneder (15,- pr. maaned). For dette usle beloepet faar du: medlemsskap i Norges beste Spectrum-klubb, maanedlig medlemsavis paa ca. 20 sider, medlemstilbud ++. Saa Red Devils, NNCC, Jan-Ivar og alle andre Spectrum eiere; skriv til meg for naermere informasjon. Saa var det adressen da. Siden jeg ikke oensker slibrige brev fra sinte svensker, dansker, engelskmenn eller hvilke som helst andre utledninger, maa jeg for forvirrings skyld skrive adressen min som en rebus, saa skynd deg aa finn frem blyant og papir mens jeg gjoer dette 1 ! (As I've not got many contacts, this part of my message will be rather short.) Stig B., Geir S., Vidar W. (are you finished with Dark Star?), Per M.T. (hils Jardar fra meg naar du ser ham!) (that's Norwegian if you didn't know 1 I'll now take the opportunity to say some words about myself. I'm 17 years old, and have used my Speccy since 1985, but it's just the last 1 1/2 years I've been programming in machine code. At the time writing this (16 May 1989, the day before the Norwegian Independence Day) there's just 8 days till I'll sit for my exam at upper secondary school, commercial branch, second year. Good at school you ask???? To be modest 1 To Everybody Else: Don't stop using your Spectrum - the best computer in the world, well, OK. Cray-2 IS better 1 To DACK & ZER0: I've got problems writing4K of message, how the @$## do you manage 12K 1 Oh yes, press any key to hear sample 1 NASA, gt. (plante) nr. (heise), (Trondheim - (Drammen/10)) (gamle postnr.) Goal-Island (oversett!). Dette skulle vaere greit?!?!? Naa har jeg ikke mer paa hjertet. Tjalabaisj 1 If anyboy wants to contribute music, graphix or routines, just send it along. You don't know my address you say?? Just send it the same way you got this demo. I'll credit you in my next demo. 1 At the end of this message I'll say some words in Norwegian, so you non-Norwegian speaking folks out there, just ignore this: 1 *** THE MESSAGES *** 1 *** THE GREETINGS ***